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Registering for courses at the University of Seville
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1. All University of Seville courses are conducted entirely in Spanish. Only those students with an advanced or superior level of Spanish may take classes there. To determine students’ level of Spanish the ICS administers a Proficiency Exam during the first day of Orientation.
2. Students who register at the University of Seville must enroll in a minimum of three to a maximum of five three-credit courses. Students must choose courses following the timetable posted for the Fall or Spring calendar.
3. In some cases, the student’s home institution has pre-approved specific courses selected to take in Seville. If, for any reason, there is a change in the student’s final course enrollment it is the student’s responsibility to notify his or her advisor or home institution for a new pre-approval of courses.
4. Each University of Seville professor requests from every student a photograph and a “ficha” (student card). “Fichas” are available at the ICS office upon request.
5. An ICS staff member takes students enrolled at the University on a short tour of the University grounds. An official reception will follow this visit.
6. All course changes are made through the ICS and NOT through the University of Seville. For inquiries or problems regarding courses ICS students should speak with Dr.Delgado. The last day to add/drop a course is one week after the first day of classes at the University of Seville.
7. Each individual University of Seville professor establishes class attendance policy at his or her own discretion.
8. University of Seville Library Policy. With a University of Seville I.D. card students may borrow books from any of the departmental or general libraries at the Faculties of Philology and of Geography & History. Those students who do not return library books at the end of the semester do not have their grades released until all books (University of Seville and/or ICS) have been returned.
9. Final exams. Final exams are given at the University of Seville during the last week of class. Only under special circumstances is permission granted to take early final exams. To do so, the student must present a valid reason and make this request of his or her home institution. The home institution will forward the request to the ICS, and the ICS will then make a formal written request to the University of Seville.
10. Final Grades.
Final grades are based on the following grade conversion:
10 – 9 A
8.9 – 7 B
6.9 – 5 C
4.9 – 4 D
3.9 – 0 F
11. Transcripts. Upon request, the University of Seville issues official transcripts for the courses taken there. Any student who wishes an official transcript from the University of Seville must contact Dr. Delgado.
Please remember: Students need to pre-register officially for courses well ahead of time. The University of Seville must have pre-registration forms three weeks before the start of the semester. For further assistance, please consult with Dr. Sandra Soto Delgado.
Download Guía Académica Cursos concertados con Universidades Extranjeras 2021-2022
University of Seville Regular Courses
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At the School of Philology students may take courses in the Departments of Spanish, English, French, Classical Languages, Italian, and Arabic. At the School of Gegraphy & History students may take courses in the Departments of Archeology, Cultural Anthropology, Human Geography, Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Contemporary History, Latin American History, and Art History.